our constitution

We have adopted the SMALL CHARITY CONSTITUTION detailed by the Charity Commission as suitable for small charities with an annual income under £5,000 that don’t own a building or employ people and do not intend to register with the Charity Commission.


The charity’s name is: Raising Hope and Joy


“To promote the use of creative spaces designed to improve a child’s physical, emotional and psychological well being in communities where access to these resources is otherwise limited.”

For the purpose of this clause the use of the term “limited” is as a result of one or more of the following factors: Financial hardship, unemployment, discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation, poor educational or skills attainment, relationship or family breakdown, poor housing.

For the purpose of this clause the use of the term “creative space” defines an already existing building or area of land which can be developed through resources including the use of colour, pictures, textures, sensory objects and equipment, lighting, sound and nature.

  • The provision of creative spaces within the interest of children’s social welfare, designed to improve their conditions of life.
  • To provide resources which will develop their capacity to communicate, improve communication skills, promote psychological well being and improve mental health.
  • To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by enabling children who would otherwise be limited within their community to improve their physical, emotional and psychological well being.
  • To promote moral and mental improvement for the public benefit by developing creative spaces designed to improve children’s quality of life and future integration within their community.


The charity shall be managed by a committee of trustees who are appointed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the charity.


In order to carry out the charitable purposes, the trustees have the power to:

  1. raise funds, receive grants and donations
  2. apply funds to carry out the work of the charity
  3. co-operate with and support other charities with similar purposes
  4. do anything which is lawful and necessary to achieve the purposes


The charity shall have a membership. People who support the work of the charity and are aged 18 or over, can apply to the trustees to become a member. Once accepted by the trustees, membership lasts for 3 years and may be renewed. The trustees will keep an up-to-date membership list.

The trustees may remove a person’s membership if they believe it is in the best interests of the charity. The member has the right to be heard by the trustees before the decision is made and can be accompanied by a friend.


  1. The AGM must be held every year, with 14 days notice given to all members telling them what is on the agenda. Minutes must be kept of the AGM.
  2. There must be at least 3 members present at the AGM.
  3. Every member has one vote.
  4. The trustees shall present the annual report and accounts.
  5. Any member may stand for election as a trustee.
  6. Members shall elect between 3 and 10 trustees to serve for the next year. They will retire at the next AGM but may stand for re-election.


Trustees must hold at least 3 meetings each year. At their first meeting after the AGM they will elect a chair, treasurer and secretary. Trustees may act by majority decision.

  1. At least 3 trustees must be present at the meeting to be able to take decisions. Minutes shall be kept for every meeting.
  2. If trustees have a conflict of interest they must declare it and leave the meeting while this matter is being discussed or decided.
  3. During the year, the trustees may appoint up to 2 additional trustees. They will stand down at the next AGM.
  4. The trustees may make reasonable additional rules to help run the charity. These rules must not conflict with this constitution or the law.


  1. Money and property must only be used for the charity’s purposes.
  2. Trustees must keep accounts. The most recent annual accounts can be seen by anybody on request.
  3. Trustees cannot receive any money or property from the charity, except to refund reasonable out of pocket expenses.
  4. Money must be held in the charity’s bank account. All cheques must be signed by 2 trustees.


If the Trustees consider it is necessary to change the constitution, or wind up the charity, they must call a General Meeting so that the membership can make the decision. Trustees must also call a General Meeting if they receive a written request from the majority of members. All members must be given 14 days notice and told the reason for the meeting. All decisions require a two thirds majority. Minutes must be kept.

  1. Winding up – any money or property remaining after payment of debts must be given to a charity with similar purposes to this one.
  2. Changes to the Constitution – can be made at AGMs or General Meetings. No change can be made that would make the organisation no longer a charity.
  3. General Meeting – called on written request from a majority of members.
  4. Trustees may also call a General Meeting to consult the membership


This constitution was adopted on 19th October 2013 by the people below. They are the first members of the charity and will be the trustees until the AGM, which must be held within one year of this date.

Helen Cross (Chair)

Simon Knee (Treasurer)

Mel Sellors (Secretary)