Our purpose is to provide creative spaces for children to develop, communicate, play and learn, where resources are otherwise limited. We work alongside established organisations where a little extra funding, inspiration and expertise will enhance an existing project.
A creative space may be a colourful mural on a child’s bedroom wall that offers them stimuli. Join this with some toys and books and you begin to develop their senses, imagination, ideas and self expression.
Sensory gardens full of herbs, raised beds and widened pathways make an inclusive and shared sensory experience. Stimulating a child’s senses in ways not normally experienced, aiding their development.
For a child with limited communication skills creating a sensory room with light projectors, fibre optics, colour, textures and music will offer an opportunity to relax. Within this space an otherwise overstimulated mind has an opportunity for development and learning.
We target communities where there is financial hardship or unemployment, poor education or lack of skills, relationship or family breakdown, or poor housing. We focus on people suffering discrimination on the grounds of gender, ethnic origin, disability, religion or sexual orientation.
Many spaces exist that with a little money, inspiration and expertise can offer children, disabled and non-disabled, a place in which they can develop and grow their creativity. Every child deserves this opportunity, not every child has access to it.