where your donations go

All donations that are made to Raising Hope and Joy will go towards materials and equipment for the actual creative spaces. The work required to create these spaces and get the kit installed will be from volunteers donating their time and effort for free.

From your donations…

£10 will buy a pot of paint, we’ll be getting through a few of these!

£4 gets 50 glow in the dark stickers – sometimes the smallest things are the most effective.

£18 buys a simple buzzer – facilitating exploration of cause and effect.

£70 could equip a room with some sensory and tactile materials.

£200 is needed for a specialist mat or floor cushion

£475 purchases a projector and each extra wheel costs £35-£55 for a different set of imagery.

£200 gets a 100 strand fiber optic light system.

£750 would buy an amazing giant bubble tube!

To find out more about this stuff and see other kit you never dreamed existed visit the specialist shops at www.rompa.com and www.specialneedstoys.com