Trustees Meeting Nov 2013

Raising Hope & Joy – Minutes from Meeting

Those present: Helen, Simon & Mel


Charity was launched on 19/10/2013
Currently have stand in website page on
FB page has also been launched and within 24 hrs we had received 56 Likes – amazing response.

ACTION– FB – Helen to update when she can.
ACTION– Helen & Simon will adjust FB page so that Mel is also able to edit the page.

FB will be a more informal platform for communications.
Website will be more formal with the use of “we” when reporting information etc

ACTION – See how FB page evolves and discuss it’s progress at the next meeting.


Application has been sent to CO/OP on 1/11/13.
ACTION– Simon to chase on Tuesday (5/11/13) will share info on google drive.

Hopefully Bank Acc will be up and running by the end of next week.
Cards/cheque books will take a bit longer.

If any problems with the bank account , people could put money into Simon’s Account until the money can be moved.

Simon is looking into WAVE – online accounting programme to help keep the books and know where the money is at any time.

Paypal – the account is setup, but we cannot use until they’ve verified we’re a charity.

ACTION– Simon to send info to Paypal.
ACTION– Simon to create a headed paper design.

Hopeful that the bank acc. will go through quickly as Helen’s project starts in 2 weeks.

Direct balance transfer is best as it is free.
Paypal charge 3.4% per transaction but if we get fully accredited as a charity it will drop to around 1.5%

BT have a mydonate w/site which is completely free to use.

ACTION– Simon will look into BT mydonate option, which we can do when the bank account is setup.

We can register with HMRC to get gift-aid and this would mean we could get HMRC registration number (but to get that we might need a bigger, more in depth constitution)

ACTION – Simon will 1st attempt HMRC registration with our constitution as it stands.

FUTURE ACTION – Helen will also look into above and delve deeper if needed into HMRC application.

ACTION – Helen to contact donors regarding fundraising and the possibility of the money going into fundraisers account and donors to supply emails so we can send thanks/acknowledgement.

If the bank acc takes longer to setup it might be possible to setup a Pledge option instead.

ACTION – Simon will look into pledge option that could be on the w/site

Our financial year end is 5th April.


ACTION– Helen & Simon to decide on blog date launch.

Simon designing the w/site, we discussed ideas/layouts etc.

ACTION – Each of us to send Simon a short biog and picture of ourselves for the w/site.

ACTION – Simon is going to ensure we all have access to w/site for editing, adding news items etc.

We discussed what should be under the “How to help” tab – possibly request for members and volunteers.

Mel suggested a “Do you know someone who we can help?” option also – this to be discussed at next meeting.

ACTION – Helen & Simon to liaise on ‘useful links’ tab on w/site.

ACTION – Simon & Helen – Website aesthetic and layout to be improved and re-look at the blog.

Helen goes to Thailand on 6/11/13


Discussed distinction between Charity and Community Arts Cafe Hub.

Next Mtg – Sunday 9th February 2014 via Skype.